This description provides information of ancient sites, seaside resorts, churches, monasteries, landscapes and small towns and villages. Additional details can be found in various books printed on Greece, such as the 'Blue Guide to Greece.' The names of places conform to the accented Greek pronounciation which would be the one a traveller would face upon a potential visit. For a general map of the area, click above map icon. To go back to the Ellada main page, click here!
Nomos Kozanis
This canton is situated South and West of Thesaloniki, and it contains Kozani, its omonymous town and the most important in the whole of Western Macedonia. Mainly mountainous, except the Prolemaida and Kozani plains, it is transversed by the river Aliákmon. The area is called "Small Ruhr" from the relative richness of its soil and minerals. As such, this area of Greece produces electricity both from coal (Ptolemaítha) and aqua (Polyfitou dam), asbestos and Nitrogen.
Kazoni has a very long history and recent excavations indicate human presence in neolithic and paleolithic times, dating back as far as 100,000 years. Over the years, no Turkish Minaret was built and was thus called "the Acropolis of Hellas" during the Turkish occupation. In Siátista and Asianí was re-written the Mecodonian history of the times. Recent excavations indicate that the finding of Aianí (an old city), displayed doric columns dating to about 2000BC, and the peak of this city was around the 6th or 5th century BC. This is two centuries before King Philip and Alexander the Great made their mark on history.
By Air, daily flights from Athens that take 1h30m while buses transverse the distance in about 8 hours from Athens (info tel: 01/ 5129308) and 3 hours from Thesaloniki (info: 031/ 522488). In addition, the train also gets to Kozani, after a seemingly excruciating 13 hours, via the Platí junction. Local buses connect Kozáni with Véria, Kastoriá, Flórina, Grevená and Ioánnina.
Highlights include the town hall with its caverns and secret tunnels used to liberate Greeks held by the Turkish occupying forces while nearby is the main cathedral of the town with its wooden iconoplasts. The library, also nearby, comes second after the one in Athens in richness of content, and old books. Recent "arhontiká" (noble) houses which are kept in excellent shape include the Vourka estate, Pouklídi, Neratzopolón and Manusi.
Named after Ptolemaio, this town is one of the most important in Greece. It has a large electricity plant which uses locally excavated lignite from a very rich field.
A town dating back to the middle ages with many Byzantian churches and old noble houses. Saint Paraskeví and Prophet Elia churches are especially well kept. The latter is located on a hill with wonderful views of Kozáni and was refurbished in 1701. Siatista was a main thoroughfare for the road to Vienna, Austria. Tbe first Greek newspaper, "Newspaper" was printed here in December 31, 1790.
Known in ancient times as Filakaí, it was built in the 7th century by Emperor Heraclio and fortified. Nowdays, ruins and triple walls around the town are in evidence. In addition a damn on the river Aliakmon has created a very picturesque lake.
Nefeli, 0461/36686
Ksenia, 0461/ 30484
Tselikas, 0461/35997
Aliakmon, 0461/36015
Anesis, 0461/22504
Elena, 0461/26056
Ermionio, 0461/ 36007
Katerina, 0461/ 34856
Panellinion, 0461/ 36006
Galini, 0468/22329
Pindos, 0468/41057
Georgios, 0463/24845
Kostis, 0463/26661
Pantelides, 0463/21777
Ptolemaios, 0463/26217 (Jan-Oct)
Anesis, 0463/24733
Luxe, 0463/24470
Olympion, 0463/24475
Panelinion, 0464/ 21551
Arhontiko, 0468/ 21298
Kentriko, 0468/ 31465
 Apartments, rooms for rent |
To Horio